Thursday, July 20, 2017

How To Encourage Creativity in Web Design

How To Encourage Creativity in Web Design

Creativity is considered the most subjective and indefinable of qualities; however, one which forms the basis of the career of any designer. What is creativity? Why are some individuals able to control it, while others are not, regardless of how hard they attempt?

Everybody solves issues in a different way and each has his own thought process. The way designers think has an impact on the way they design and how they offer solutions to their clients. In the creative field, it is essential that you master great news and different styles of thinking, so that you can switch easily between them. The only issue is that you're most likely stronger in one style of thinking than the others.

To make it simple, you usually think in 3 specific ways:

Logically: Logical thinking usually means making judgments. You make a rational judgment as to the reasons something is more or less appropriate. For instance, this might involve selecting a particular design style, defining a customer's needs or declining work.

Practically: Practical thinking is usually the most challenging. It determines the way you communicate with people and the way you can interact with and persuade other people. If you are extremely great at selling websites for instance, then you are most likely an excellent practical thinker. Practicing your logical thinking will encourage practical thinking.

Creatively: Creative thinking will involve solving problems. The difference between these and practical or logical thinking is that you usually look at the issue from an unorthodox viewpoint, making your thoughts less structured. This is regarded as creative thinking process, since it usually passes through numerous stages.

All said and done, the issue is that in case you follow the competition, you are going to always be a step behind. A good thing is that you are going to be invisible, at worse you will end up a poor shadow of other web designers. If you want to create a website design that is unique from your competitors and resonates with site visitors some risks should be taken.

How To Encourage Creativity in Web Design

Whilst it is helpful and productive to see outstanding samples of other web designer’s work, basing a lot of your inspiration on other websites can result in a lack of innovation and variety in design. Luckily, there are lots of other ways to improve your designs through creativity. If you would like to find out more ways to improve your creativity, read through this article.

1. Play around with Color
Color schemes make a great difference on the outcome of a design. Experimentation can be most useful when you are trying to come up with something creative. Usually, something will look great in your mind’s eye; however, when it is on the screen it is a different case.

If you have got a design that simply does not quite look complete, try experimenting with a combination of colors. You might find that something you are trying will give the design a fresh look that is truly unique.

2. Take advantage of offline inspiration
Many people spend a lot of time on the internet every day, which is just the characteristic of being a web designer. But there is an entire world of inspiration around us, which people take no notice of. Other kinds of design, like interior design and printed publications, are great sources that may usually be translated into creativity on the internet. The outdoors and nature itself can offer design inspiration. Clothing, even photography, the list is endless.

3. Try different fonts
Similar to color schemes, changing design's typography or fonts could make a world of difference. When it comes to typography, it is often a little more of a delicate change compared to if you were changing color schemes. Websites with outstanding typography usually have a professional, complete appearance where it is difficult to determine in particular what appears so good.

It is easy to end up wasting hours experimenting with different colors, fonts and font sizes. Due to this, it can be helpful to check out some websites, which have several fonts on display to help you quickly zero in your options.

How To Encourage Creativity in Web Design

4. Experiment with backgrounds
Over the past couple of years, huge background pictures have turned out to be increasingly popular. Of course, big images do not have the same negative impact that they used to have for many of your website visitors. If you are seeking to make a website unique, an image background that is creative might be the perfect thing.

5. Draft on paper
Most people often open up Photoshop or begin coding immediately. While your design process must be whatever is best suited for you, give the pencil and paper an opportunity. Some people can be more creative by doing work in different ways, and paper can be useful for some designers. You can use paper to start your designs to quickly run through multiple layout options.

When you have many ideas, there will be a lot of ideas that are unrealistic or bad; however, there will also be ideas between them that are outstanding. There is one simple rule when you are creating ideas, which is to never scrap any. The first is not to judge any creative idea you come up with.

The method of judging is often quicker. Scrapping plenty of ideas is often quite simple, and more often than not you will find yourself with a condensed collection of great ideas. The challenge is then in determining which of the remaining is a good solution for the issue at hand.

6. Creativity in photoshop
Photoshop and creativity go together. Those web designers who are experienced in Photoshop can create almost anything, and they are never unable to create something creative or unique. If you are unable to get your designs to emerge the way you would like them to, try polishing up on your Photoshop skills.

What are your preferred methods? How can you start improving the creativity of your designs?