Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need to Combine PR and SEO

Is there a link between public relations and search engine optimization? Well, if your answer is no, then you need to go back to the drawing board and re-strategize. This means that you are missing out on a lot of opportunities presented by creating a link between public relations and search engine optimization. Below are some of the benefits of creating a link between search engine optimization and public relations:

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need to Combine PR and SEO

The Link Between PR and SEO

Traditionally, SEO and PR existed as two separate marketing channels. They offered different features and with different results. Today if you are effectively doing search engine optimization (SEO), your efforts will overlap with public relations (PR). This is due to the fact that over recent years, Google has refined their algorithm to offer better user experience. 

Previously, the algorithm was simpler, and your entire website needed to have the search term and several websites which linked back to your website. This ended up with users landing on spammy sites which had the search term saturated in their content and hyperlinks.

Google has improved the algorithm to make it more competitive. It has greatly minimized the effects of easily manipulated ranking signals and with the new algorithm websites that have better user experiences rank high.
The link between PR and SEO

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Improving Productivity Using Information Technology

In a fast evolving and highly technological world and work environment, technological devices and systems play a great part in determining the management of information. Information technology, usually used to describe the set of telecommunication networks and machines utilized in data manipulation and transfer, is often used in business to increase productivity through new staff expertise, process improvement, and product innovation. Working with new information technology in a company is not without its negative aspects, but, correctly used, it can have a substantial positive effect on productivity.

Improving Productivity Using Information Technology


Friday, November 10, 2017

6 Social Media Practices that Boost SEO

SEO and social media marketing are organic, inbound tactics that work collectively to develop an attractive identity that naturally entices visitors. Since social media depends on a visible, strong brand presence and high-quality content, your search engine optimization efforts may improve your social media reach. Simultaneously, your social media presence may extensively increase your search rankings.

Unfortunately, many search marketers omit the details when talking about how social media can impact, and boost your Google rankings. This leaves social media marketers questioning whether their tactics are reliable. 

To fix this, here is a compiled list of 6 social media strategies that are proven to improve your SEO effectively. 

6 Social Media Practices that Boost SEO

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

5 Tips On How To Make Your Business More Efficient

Digital transformation not only requires, but demands people to adopt the latest technological innovations. We must, therefore, implement these advancements both at home as well as in our workplaces. In the workplaces, technology has transformed the way we retrieve and store files with the desertion of the shelf system of filing to storing information in the cloud and computer memories. Furthermore, digital transformation revolutionized the way people in the places of work communicated. Modern technology has increased the efficiency within places of work. Some of the newest trends, which are implemented in businesses globally include:

5 Tips On How To Make Your Business More Efficient


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

6 Super Easy Local Tips For Small Business SEO Success

In this fast-paced digital world, a few things aid small companies the way a local Search engine optimization strategy can. At all times, search engines keep getting smarter but, this does not imply that SEO has ceased to be vital. Your company will lose out to business competitors if you are not making an effort to make sure it stays in the limelight.

6 Super Easy Local Tips For Small Business SEO Success
Although all search engine optimization is dependent on terrific content and a responsive website, local SEO features its own practices and prerequisites, which have an impact on the way you rank locally. There are numerous local SEO ranking factors to bear in mind. Here is a list of 6 of the most essential:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Top 4 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Master

Majority of people are convinced that it is easy to become an entrepreneur; however, it entails being ambitious and taking the risk. An individual needs to start, plan and run the company. As an entrepreneur, you get to enjoy all the benefits of the enterprise along with the perils. Meeting the needs with new inventions and pinpointing viable opportunities out there is vital in being successful as an entrepreneur.

Top 4 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Master

This article is going to make it easier for you to see whether you have what it takes to be a business owner. Also, it will educate the up-and-coming entrepreneur what expertise to sharpen to guarantee their business success. Below are top four skills every entrepreneur should master.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How To Freelance Your Proficiency And Succeed

You can learn how to freelance since this is the best way you can improve your writing skills and at the same time earn money while you work from home. A freelancer works from home on contract basis, he or she is self employed and so the services they give earns them money. A freelancer can choose when to work, where to work and whom to work for.

Freelance writing is all about being an independent writer who does different projects, which are from several companies, it also requires one to be committed and serious with the work they do. Aim high and have a target so as to be successful.

How To Freelance Your Proficiency And Succeed

Some of the common fields in freelancing are: Website developer, Copy writing, Computer programming, Proof reading, Data entry, Graphic designer and many more.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

How To Encourage Creativity in Web Design

How To Encourage Creativity in Web Design

Creativity is considered the most subjective and indefinable of qualities; however, one which forms the basis of the career of any designer. What is creativity? Why are some individuals able to control it, while others are not, regardless of how hard they attempt?

Everybody solves issues in a different way and each has his own thought process. The way designers think has an impact on the way they design and how they offer solutions to their clients. In the creative field, it is essential that you master great news and different styles of thinking, so that you can switch easily between them. The only issue is that you're most likely stronger in one style of thinking than the others.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Negative Impact of Technology in Our Lives

Negative Impact of Technology in Our Lives

Technology is associated with advancement. It involves ideas being transformed into something beneficial. Innovation is not confined to organizations and creative people, but also involves the scientific talent and availability of technology. Innovations and technology are synergistic. Technology has certainly transformed our lives both negatively and positively.

When we look back in time, we realize just how much our everyday life has changed because of the fruits oftechnology. It has given us freedom and less usage of resources and time. Mentioning a specific technology for the drastic changes in one's life is just impossible. The economic growth of a nation can be gauged based on the technology level. The reason being several factors are responsible for affecting the lifestyle of a person. 

The mobile phone is the most effective piece of technology, and today being equivalent to a civilization. Because of technological changes, the dependency upon reliance on technology has multiplied greatly. Some innovation takes place at such a speed that they become self-defeating.