Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need to Combine PR and SEO

Is there a link between public relations and search engine optimization? Well, if your answer is no, then you need to go back to the drawing board and re-strategize. This means that you are missing out on a lot of opportunities presented by creating a link between public relations and search engine optimization. Below are some of the benefits of creating a link between search engine optimization and public relations:

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need to Combine PR and SEO

Long time ago, Google was more interested in the quantity of backlinks in the content provided. As a result, most website users took advantage of this and created fake backlinks or low-quality links with the aim of improving their ranking. However, Google was able to get around this, and they now prioritize quality over quantity. In other words, one high-quality backlink is far much better than many low-quality links.

This is why a website that ranks top on Google will be more helpful to the user due to the many backlinks that direct the reader to more information on the same topic.

Instead of adding some links to your content and hoping to get a higher ranking, how about teaming up with public relations professionals and making sure moves? Your public relations team have access to authoritative websites. They will help you backlink to other authoritative websites, and this is sure to improve your ranking on Google and make your website more visible.

Keywords and other hot topics
By now we both know that search engine optimization is all about keywords. Search engines make use of some keywords provided to find your websites. However, everyone knows this. So, how do you make your websites stand out from the crowd using your keywords? This is where the public relations team comes in. Search engine optimization helps you identify the trending keywords and topics. All you have to do is provide this information to your Public Relations team, and they will work hard to provide you with stories that effectively utilize the keywords. If you direct your focus towards creating content that is trending, you will most definitely increase your click-through rate and obviously your Google rankings – and all you had to do was share some information with your Public relations team. 

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need to Combine PR and SEO
Search Engine Optimization Analysis of public relations pieces
The best part about linking your search engine optimization with public relations is that they both work together to improve each other. This means that your public relations team works hard to improve your search engine optimization ranking. On the other end, search engine optimization can be used to review the content provided by your public relations team and if the pieces do not rank very well on search engines, then that acts as a note to your public relations team that they need to improve the quality of the content they provide. Creating a link between the two ensures a continued improvement in your performance on both sides (talk about killing two birds with the same stone!)

Promotion via Social Media
Social media provides a ready audience for your website and ready market for your goods and services. Nobody understands this more than your public relations team. By encouraging them to create engaging content on social media, you are sure to generate traffic to your websites. In fact, sometimes, all it takes is for them to post the link to your content on social media platforms and you will be good to go.

Once they create such trending content, your search engine optimization team can come in and work with the keywords featured on social media to ensure improved rankings. 

As much as people would like to look at public relations and search engine optimization as two independent entities, but the truth is that these two teams actually need each other at times. The common goal between them is that they are both important in marketing, and if they work together towards achieving this goal, they are most likely to generate amazing results. Therefore, if you keep encouraging your public relations team and your search engine optimization team to create common goals and work together towards achieving them, then the only way your rankings will go is up.

With each passing day, the difference between public relations and search engine optimization is becoming more and more blurred. This is because people have realized the best way to ensure that both teams work to their full potential is by letting them work together as one team. With this in mind, what’s your excuse for low SEO rankings?


  1. I am definitely convinced that seo services are of great help. As soon as my business sets up, I am going to take help of it and start with the promotion and advertisements. Thanks for sharing this post, I have saved it and also shared it with my friends.

  2. Thanks for your comment and I’m glad you found the post helpful.
