Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Benefits Of Wearing Chakra Jewelry

A lot of people are getting aware of the energies around us and the right way they can be used for health and healing. There's a steady awakening as people are embracing ways, which are almost as old as time itself. One of these ways entails balancing your chakras. So, as to completely appreciate the advantages of wearing chakra jewelry, it is essential to know how our spiritual body and our chakras are related to the world around us.

Benefits Of Wearing Chakra Jewelry
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Chakras are "energy whirlwinds," and they have been used by ancient eastern cultures for thousands of years for healing. Our bodies have seven main chakras, and each corresponds to specific emotions and feelings, right from the base to the crown.

Where they are used:

  • Garnet, smoky quartz, and onyx for the Root chakra
  • Carnelian, Mookaite and picasso jasper for the Sacral chakra
  • Sunstone, Yellow tigers eye and citrine for the Solar Plexus chakra
  • Prehnite, green agate, and aventurine for the Heart chakra
  • Amazonite and blue agate for the Throat chakra
  • Amethyst, lapis lazuli and sodalite for the Third Eye chakra
  • Quartz crystal and Amethyst for the Crown chakra.
If you look closely at your emotions, like love, you will see that the feeling of love is spread from your heart center. Correspondingly, the feeling of happiness spreads from the lower part of the back area. Chakras are not only sensitive to our feelings; however, they may also be impacted by the energy around us. Anything we touch or see has a certain energy frequency, and this can connect with us in either a positive or negative way.

Chakra jewelry has charms or stones in different designs and colors, with each element being a symbol of one of the chakras to help in balancing them.

The charms or stones in chakra jewelry can be created with a lot of materials; however, the color is what is vital. A color often represents each of the chakras—Reds, yellows, light blues, violet/white, orange, green/pinks, and indigo.

Being aware is where the healing begins

Benefits Of Wearing Chakra Jewelry
Image source

The key part of putting on our chakrajewelry is that the individual wearing it knows its importance and thereby attains the intended healing and balancing effects.

While some people discover the advantages of wearing chakra jewelry originates directly from the energy of the stones used, other people say wearing the jewelry helps bring about awareness and provides you with improved focus on balancing these seven energies, thus promoting positive energy, vitality, and healing, while also being stylish.

The crystals possess specific energy properties, which discreetly change the health and energy of the wearer. Positive energy radiates from each of the crystals helping to rebalance the chakras.
So, if that is the case, it would sound right to surround yourself with things, which lift you up rather than reducing your energy. Right? This explains why the rishis of ancient India usually prescribed precious jewels, metals, or stones to be worn in close contact with a person's skin. 

Each item carries a very specific vibration, which can impact us. Obviously, that becomes very detailed and demands one-on-one consultation; however, you will find other stones serving a general purpose.