Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why Women Choose Cultured Diamonds for Engagement Rings

Since time immemorial, women love jewelry and in particular diamonds. Diamonds are expensive, and only a few can afford them.

What is a synthetic diamond?
Technological advancements have made it possible to create diamonds in the lab. Cultured diamonds are also known as synthetic diamonds, cultivated diamonds or lab-grown diamonds. They are also referred to depending on the artificial production method such as HPHT diamonds. This is for diamonds made under high pressure and high temperatures or CVD diamonds for those created by chemical vapor deposition crystal formation.

Why Women Choose Cultured Diamonds for Engagement Rings

Do they possess the same properties?
Yes! The diamonds created in labs possess the same properties as natural diamonds. It also takes millions of years for the geological process that forms diamonds, which are then mined causing harm to the environment. However, the production of lab-grown diamonds takes just a few weeks.

The two are very similar in the chemical and crystal composition. If you compare a natural diamond with a synthetic one, it is unlikely that you will be able to differentiate them. Only a gemologist can differentiate the two using specialized equipment.

Are cultured diamonds fake?
No! Lab-grown diamonds contrary to what most people think are not fake. Although the word synthetic is typically associated with imitations, cultured diamonds are made of pure carbon, the same material as natural diamonds crystallized in isotropic 3D form.

Are they as expensive as natural diamonds?
The process of creating diamonds in the lab is labor intensive and very expensive but more affordable than natural diamond mining.

Why choose a cultured diamond for engagement?
1. Affordable
Synthetic diamonds are usually priced 15-20% lower than natural diamonds. This makes them more affordable and gives women a chance to wear a diamond ring without compromising on the quality.

Most people believe that because the creation of diamond is in the lab, it should be cheap. This is not the case as they have the same properties in terms of brilliance and durability.

Why Women Choose Cultured Diamonds for Engagement Rings

Ensure you compare the prices of both before you buy. The 15-20% price reduction range is a guideline and depending on where you purchase the diamond the price may vary.

2. Environmentally-friendly
Natural diamonds have to be mined, which can cause harm to the environment. Mining destroys eco-systems and leaves behind empty and unproductive land. A typical open cut mine can be roughly 300 meters deep and 500 meters wide leaving the surrounding area barren. Cultured diamonds have no negative impact on the environment. They do not leave an environmental footprint and provide environmental sustainability.

3. Conflict-free
Cultured diamonds are not associated with labor exploitation, lifestyle disruption or funding of wars. They are conflict-free, and when you buy it, you are sure it is not a blood diamond.

Arguments that cultivated diamonds are taking jobs away and development in the relevant areas are valid. However, the truth of this statement is, solutions can be found for this.

4. Easily available
Since the creation is in a lab, cultured diamonds are easily available. This is especially true if you are looking to buy a colored diamond. Colored diamonds are very costly and not easily available. Culture diamonds are available in several colors and sizes. You can find one that has a feature and size to meet your preference.

Can I get a colored cultured diamond?
Diamonds are not all colorless, and they are available in a variety of colors. You can classify this as Type 1 and 2 diamonds.

1. Type 1 diamonds
These are classified as such because of the intake of blue light and nitrogen during the formation process. They include Orange, Brown and Yellow diamonds.

2. Type 2 diamonds
These are classified because of a lack of nitrogen intake during the formation phase. They are rare and more valuable and include Red, Blue, Green and Pink Diamonds.

Why Women Choose Cultured Diamonds for Engagement Rings

Colored diamonds are more expensive than the colorless ones. They are hard to find and scarce, which makes cultured diamonds an ideal option. Most of the colored diamonds in the market are actually cultured diamonds.

Labs create colored diamonds by introducing foreign elements during the formation phase. Introduction of Boron gives the blue color in blue diamonds. The higher the boron quantity, the more the color’s intensity. The addition of nitrogen to the chemical structure helps to achieve the yellow color.

Green, purple, pink and red diamonds are formed using a process called irradiation. This changes the crystal lattice by blasting the diamond with electrons or neutrons. Additional heat treatment creates new colors.

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