Saturday, December 2, 2017

Improving Productivity Using Information Technology

In a fast evolving and highly technological world and work environment, technological devices and systems play a great part in determining the management of information. Information technology, usually used to describe the set of telecommunication networks and machines utilized in data manipulation and transfer, is often used in business to increase productivity through new staff expertise, process improvement, and product innovation. Working with new information technology in a company is not without its negative aspects, but, correctly used, it can have a substantial positive effect on productivity.

Improving Productivity Using Information Technology


Efficiency if improved

Relevant, real-time information is vital to the success of a company. Latest technological innovations permit communication between different software systems. Management teams are knowledgeable about how the assets and space of a company are being maintained and used. The success of workforce is tracked; enabling workers to be redirected to various roles should their skills be better put to use elsewhere. Using this type of accurate tracking, workers also avoid unnecessarily repeating tasks while finding more time to finish specific tasks, contributing to the overall delight of the work environment.

Allow teamwork tools

Teamwork is important to business; however, workers do not need to be in the adjacent work space to attain it. With the selection of free applications such as the cloud-based suite of products offered by Google, employees working from isolated areas can team up and share documents easily. Customized cloud products provide better quality solutions with increased security for sensitive data. Unified communications systems permit various kinds of communication to help you select, which might be the best performing: video chat, an instant message, a phone call, or a conference session. CRM systems such as Insightly, Salesforce or Zoho permit your sales team to save time by using one shared area to track a prospect’s status. These solutions help to increase consistency in your prospect relations, which, in turn, increase output and revenue.

Utilize a Scheduling System

With the help of a scheduling system, it is possible to increase output since the system will let you communicate with your workers with regards to scheduling things. You will not need to worry about overlapping events, appointments, as well as other things you have going on. The scheduling system is accessible to everybody so that they stay on course and updated.

Organization and execution

Using productivity tools ensures your business stays productive online. There are websites to help you keep track of tasks and better manage your day for your well-being and work. There are websites that help increase and monitor healthy activities throughout your workday. This easy online tool feeds productivity when you remember to take drink water and take mental breaks.

Then there's the problem faced by every manager: Overseeing and monitoring all the worker projects taking place can be a constant problem. Taskworld, is a teamwork platform that increases the responsibility of those you work with and yourself, transparency (it is possible to keep track of deadlines and know who is more productive), and permits prioritization of work so where to begin is never a concern.

Easy communication

New communication programs have made communication a lot easier with state of the art phones, new communication programs plus much more being readily available. With fast communication choices, you can sieve any issues you could be having fast. As you can get connected to other people more productively, it is easier for you to manage work or home life. It will help you to complete a task without delay allowing you to proceed to the next one.

Improving Productivity Using Information Technology

Employees Expertise

Information technology can streamline how consumers interact with customer care services. For instance, support chat and online help services, put plenty of searchable data at the consumer's fingertips, minimizing the likelihood that a client should converse via phone to solve an issue. This lets employees interact with clients through more effective platforms. The outcome is an increase in productivity in staff hours while still maintaining high client satisfaction levels.

Financial tracking

Any entrepreneur is aware that as earnings grow, obligations also grow. Financial tracking software such as Microsoft Dynamics AX makes it possible to manage finances to help you make more knowledgeable decisions within a short period. This allows you to concentrate more on the goals of your business, something that may not be achievable without this type of technology.

Get organized

Many hours may be lost searching through spreadsheets for information kept in big data sets, some of which are just accessible via desktop. Getting a database system, which allows your workforce to add and access data easily will pay for itself in efficiencies. For instance, a cloud-based time tracking software like ClickTime permits on-the-road staff to monitor their expenses, hours, and mileage, centrally. Such tracking solutions keep the mundane yet crucial information precise and in one location, which will help staff, managers, and customers remain productive, compliant, and knowledgeable.


In any field, you will probably attend many events to generate awareness for your business, meet with other experts and brainstorm innovative ideas. You don't want these people to forget you, and email is a great way to track everybody you have been in contact with. Business cards at some point are thrown away or get lost; however, as soon as you launch an initial email chain, you will have it kept away permanently.
Are clients not responding to you as quickly as you expected? Just set up an alert, which reminds you to follow up the next week. You should not forget the social media tools you can use as well, such as LinkedIn. These eventually serve the same purpose of easily allowing you to stay connected with those you have met previously. All of this may look like common knowledge right now, but investing some time in communications such as this daily can go a long way.

Improving Productivity Using Information Technology


Your employees need to endeavor to be able to work under changing and unfavorable conditions. Usually, the best preparation for these tasks would be to have your team constantly work outside of the parameters of usual settings of the company office. With the technology being added in the work environment, workforce flexibility is at all-time high, permitting employees to range outside of the workplace, while still sending and receiving important information. With mobile staff, issues can be addressed. In addition, the tenants of transparency and teamwork are significantly bolstered by increased, frequent contact between team members, even when miles apart. This constant flow of ideas and solutions strengthens your team, the process of decision-making, and the overall effectiveness of your company.


As mentioned above, technology can significantly increase productivity in lots of ways. Think about making the most of these to increase your productivity. Any resource, which allows business owners and employees to carry out a task in half the time it usually takes, is something to make the most of. Technology lets us think more regarding the end-goal and less regarding the lesser, more cumbersome tasks it requires to get there; don't be scared to put it to use.

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