Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Link Between PR and SEO

Traditionally, SEO and PR existed as two separate marketing channels. They offered different features and with different results. Today if you are effectively doing search engine optimization (SEO), your efforts will overlap with public relations (PR). This is due to the fact that over recent years, Google has refined their algorithm to offer better user experience. 

Previously, the algorithm was simpler, and your entire website needed to have the search term and several websites which linked back to your website. This ended up with users landing on spammy sites which had the search term saturated in their content and hyperlinks.

Google has improved the algorithm to make it more competitive. It has greatly minimized the effects of easily manipulated ranking signals and with the new algorithm websites that have better user experiences rank high.
The link between PR and SEO

Although inbound links still play a role in any SEO campaign, traditional tactics have grown redundant. The only effective long-term method left standing is link building by using organic editorial links from authoritative websites that have high traffic. 

It is important that your links have value. This means that they must be "followed" links which typically appear on websites, articles, and blogs. Unfollowed links essentially have no value to Google and are commonly found on external sites. 

So how do you ensure that you earn good editorial links?

Without amazing content, no one will be motivated to link to your website. Your content has to be informative, interesting and based on facts. Users have to feel that the information is valuable to them and want to read more.

Your content also has to be organic and original. You simply cannot repeat a search word or phrase over and over and expect to see results for your efforts. The website and links to your site will mean nothing if they have minimal value regardless of how many they are.

Link Building
What use is your amazing content if no one knows about it? Your content will not earn links by just existing and being great. This part requires relentless effort on your part.

To reach people, you first have to understand what motivates the editors and contributors. You have to pitch your brand and show them how they will benefit using just a few words.

This might seem like a difficult task but once you master it will provide you with a great advantage in your efforts. Getting featured in major publications such as Entrepreneur or Forbes will make you visible, and this will pave the way for you. It will be much easier to pitch to them to get featured in other publications they work for. This will also make other publications want to feature you, and people will see you as authoritative and trustworthy since they trust the publications.

The link between PR and SEO

Ways SEO and PR can work together

SEO, PR and Digital marketing are integrated to get the best results. The different channels work together to benefit each other as well as the business. Today good content and link building for maximum outreach play a vital role in SEO, and PR is well versed with the two. So how can SEO and PR work together to help each other achieve business goals?

1. Education
SEO and PR are different specialties, and the SEO teams should educate the PR team on the basics of how and why and vice versa. PR professionals do not know much about how SEO can be impacted by online media, but they are specialists when it comes to media outreach. The SEO team can train the PR team and vice versa over a period of time instead of having one session.

2. Optimize links in earned coverage
The SEO team can assist the PR team to ensure that the links in all earned media coverage such as press releases are optimized. SEO can help in choosing links which have ranking boost keywords and ensure that PR pulls the right URL to link to.

3. Manage media outreach
Influencers play a vital role in any marketing strategy. If your company is large, ensure that multiple people from your company reach out to an influencer. This causes confusion as they get multiple requests that vary. Establish guidelines for each type of outreach to eliminate the confusion.

4. Create an editorial calendar
When you have more than one team managing outreach, multiple stories may come out at the same time. Ensure that your SEO and PR teams align the core message, content theme, and timing. This will ensure that your brand does not mix messages or promote different ideas at the same time. Create a calendar which is available to the whole team.  They can use this to follow progress and avoid confusions.

The link between PR and SEO
5. Sharing & amplifying content
Content generation is not a simple task and can be expensive. Both PR and content marketing create content well but for two different target audiences. SEO can show how many more shares or links an article got due to PR amplification and PR can use keyword rank changes on webpages they secure links to.

6. PR Stunts
You can organize conferences and events that will pull in media coverage from reputable and authoritative outlets. Your PR and SEO teams should work together closely to spread the work and generate hype for the event.

What is the goal of linking SEO and PR?

The main goal of SEO is ensuring that your website gets to the top of Google's search engine results page for specific search phrases or words. For this, you need to optimize your website and high-quality backlinks.

The main goal for PR is to manage the relationship between the company and the public. This is achieved by utilizing all communication channels. 

Although these goals are not the same, the techniques used are similar. This includes blogging, website maintenance, and pitching writers. The results will be your website receiving regular backlinks which will improve search ranking. With a good PR team, you get exposure in media outlets that link back to your site. This exposure allows people to find your website, increases traffic and the chances of someone linking to your website.

Any company that aims to build a relationship with the public as well as improves search engine results should use a PR firm with SEO experience.

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